About the Network
The District Licensing Committee (DLC) Network
An advisory group made up of DLC members has been formed with support from the Health Promotion Agency. The group has agreed on a range of initiatives to improve competency in decision making processes of DLCs. The current DLC Advisory Group has a temporary role to support the development of the DLC Network until such time as a Chair and Committee is elected.
The DLC Advisory Group is a committee of committed individuals who want to share their experiences and provide all DLC members with the information they need to make decisions that meet the object and purpose of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act. The following principles guide the Group’s activities:
Our Vision
Excellence in Decision Making
Our Mission
To empower, equip and enable all District Licensing Committees to make decisions that meet the object and purpose of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act.
Our Key Goals
Develop and maintain a database of all stakeholders (individuals and organisations)
Deliver professional development
Aimed at all levels of participation
Referencing best practice guidelines
Provide access to information through a variety of formats
Structured and informal networking opportunities
Relevant reference material
Peer support
Develop guidance on a range of topics
Disseminate material on DLC processes and decision-making
Case studies
Case Law
Engage Local and Central Government
Provide feedback
On alcohol regulations, legislation and other policy opportunities as and when they arise
Message from the Chair
Karen Hunt
Welcome to the District Licensing Committee (DLC) Network website. This website has been developed by the DLC Network to provide a conduit for DLC Chairs, Commissioners and members to provide resources on matters of common interest that will improve the quality of decision making and writing.
We encourage you to join this network of DLC decision makers to enable you to gain access to information that will assist you in your role as a DLC member. Discussion of current case law, mentoring and collegial support are just a few of the benefits to be gained by DLC members.
We urge you to sign up and trust you will find the new forum and the resources of value in your role as a decision maker.
Karen Hunt
Chair DLC Advisory Group
DLC Rotorua Lakes District Council
Our Members
The DLC Advisory Group has a temporary role to support the development of the DLC Network until such time as a Chair and Committee are elected.
Karen Hunt
DLC Commissioner, Rotorua Lakes.
Fiona Vining
DLC Commissioner Kapiti Coast.
Advisory Group Member
Angela McLeod
DLC Member Upper Hutt.
Advisory Group Member
Michael Goudie JP
DLC Commissioner, Auckland.
Advisory Group Member
Laurie Gabites
Community Member Tasman District and Nelson.
Advisory Group Member
Jennifer Pelvin
Butler Pelvin & Associates
Management Services
Manager of DLC Network